Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Straighting to Curly Hair?

I have really curly hair but its short and i want my cousin to straighten it but my dad says no because he wants my hair to be long.But could Straightening it once hurt it? My cousin does straighten her hair and uses gloss for protection do u think i could and i wont barely cause damage?

Have you ever been picked on because you may be "black" under the one-drop rule but not black enough?

And do you feel like other people hate on you because you have something that they don't have? like light skin and curly hair?

How do you teach a dog to jump?

Hold a treat way high in the air, but to wear he can reach it by jumping and dont move it until he jumbs up and gets it

Why does this embarrass me so much? I feel like a freak?

why did he just stand there?? he didnt like open the door see you and then just turn about right away?? so he was like staring at you?

Grammar help for 10 points?

I put my stuff down in the hall, and a collie puppy ran in and jumped on me. it should be i put my thing down in the hall, and Collie, my puppy jumped on me.

Why are some closets made to lock from the inside?

My house is about 100 years old, and all of the closets that still have their original doors from when we moved in lock from the inside. There is just a doorknob on the outside and the inside doesn't even have a knob, just a lock. There is no slot for a key on either side. What is the purpose of this? Was this just some sort of bad doorknob installation or did this actually have a reason?

Is this abnormal behavior (maybe OCD) after masturbation?

First of all semen ( which contains sperm) is not filthy. It is a natural substance made by your body. Neither is masturbation dirty in any way. It takes a lot more than just a drop of semen (sperm) to give off an odor that can be noticed, even in a closed bathroom. As long as you clean yourself up and no semen is visible anywhere near you, you have nothing to worry about. If you get semen on yourself a shower is ok. Just stop obsession over it. You seem to have the idea that semen is some sort of bacteria that needs to be sterilized. Not so! If your dad and mom thought as you do, you never would have been conceived and born. Also this world would not have 6.5 billion people in it. The human race would have become extinct long ago I suggest that you are being paranoid.

What would be the REASONABLE thing to do?

put your foot down! tell them pay or get out because the house is getting forclosed and they will hav nowhere to go. and tell them to wipe that ridiculus smile off they face.

What's easier to install: a chain lock or a swing lock?

Chain lock, the swing locks are harder to install than you would think. Chain locks are easier. Even if there is no lock, you should take it to a locksmith to be repaired because it is not "latching". Then at least the door would stay closed.

Does "scene" mean....?

Scene is typically associated with certain genres of music and certain lifestyle choices. Typically "screamo" music and either being straightedge (no drugs or drinking) or with a lot of smoking and drinking. This isn't to say all scene-looking people act in these ways, it is just the stereotype. It isn't usually associated with lesbians. If the hair was short, however, that might be what she was referring to because people often associate short women's haircuts with lesbians. If you want to look and dress that way then don't let the librarian's comments stop you :)

How to orgasm a different way?

If your hands are clean there is no reason you should worry about what you may get up there, lol. It's no more dangerous than having germs on your hands and then touching your nose or face. And then it is not hard to reach the G spot. My suggestion is you google how to find it and then play around until you know how to do it.

What would YOU do? - Security Question - PLEASE HELP!!!?

Home Depot and Lowes both sell a wireless battery operated security system, You only need magnetic switch for the doors and maybe 1 motion sensor. Read the directions it's fairly easy and would probably run around $100. I sell motion cameras for wildlife but if they see a camera they'll probably steal it. The security system will scare the crap out of them and they won't be back.

I have naturally curly hair and cant do anything with it! ?

Mousse doesnt work, and i have tried everything i can possibly think of, from having it thinned and layered to wearing it shorter. To let it dry with n o product is a nightmare. I just want to be able to wear it down and pretty with out looking like a poodle!

Where does straight hair come from?

Im just asking.I have seen Anglo people with curly hair but have seen others that are much darker than them but has slick straight hair kinda like asians. Does it come from Asia?

Is it possible for a human to Sense electric or make electricty?

It hurts like a blade it happened to me when i was in computer lab and it was so freaking cold when i i touch the doorknob while my classmate bumped me he's shirt was burned but my skin was fine but his was a red and the other time was with my classmate he said that he couldn't feel it but i am the one who got hurt by activity.

Im Writting A Story And Would Love Your Opinions!?

Okay So I Love Writing Stories But Its Been About A Year So Im A Little Nervous This Wont Turn Out As Well As My Others. Its About A High School Couple. Chelsea(Female Main Character) Has To Leave Because Her Sister Is Dieing But When She Returns She Finds Brandon(Male Main Character) In The hospital from a terrible accident. But The Worst Part Is He Hardly Remembers AnyThing! And Chelsea's Best Friend(Or So She Though) Made Brandon Believe She Was His GirlFriend!.... I Have The Plot But Now I Have NOO Idea How To Start It, Any IDeas :/

What are some cute hairstyles for a 3 year old girl?

Hello, I'm looking for some cute hairstyles for my daughter, she has light brown/dark blond hair. It's mostly curly (loose spiral), but it has wavy days too. I usually braid it into pigtails, or a single braid. Sometimes I just throw it into a pony, because she has little patience. Any tips or styles please share them. Thanks:))

May there have been paranormal activity?

My house is like any other house, but it has a hint of paranormal activity, but nothing to go to extremes about. It started when I was younger that I would feel as if someone was watching me (mainly in the basement where my room is), nd then it grew to the point where I would hear unfamiliar sounds. I heard footsteps just outside my room, so I got up and no one was there. There was a time when I was sleeping, nd my bedroom doorknob started to shake as if someone wanted in (I had it locked, thank god). When I asked who it was, I heard "it's me", clear as day. It sounded like my mother so I opened the door, but found no one there. My mom crushed her pelvis prior to this, so I found it odd that she'd be downstairs anyways. I've had friends tell me they've heard footsteps on the stairs while sleeping (I'm a heavvvy sleeper, so that was new to me), nd my cat who is dead now would stare into the laundry room forever, which is also downstairs. When I leave downstairs, I make sure the cupboard doors are closed, but when I come back, they're open. I've moved out of there now, nd the owner now tells me that the cupboard door did in fact slam shut one of the nights, nd there are but not much ghostly encounters. It's nothing to get all worked up about, but could have there been a ghost, and still is one down in that basement?

What is the name of this career exactly?

the people who check your rooms in school during the intruder code red drills in schools. I mean whenever there is one at a school they go there and when they check the classroom they make noises like multiple people talking at once and wave their hands in crazy ways sometimes even wiggling the doorknob to see if its open to go in

Why did he say this to me?

I am a guy and I hate it when I see the girl I love talking or doing something with other boys. I think all boys are same. They get jealous very easily.

Do you turn the doorknob to the right, or the left?

I don't have any round/circular doorknobs in my house, so would you turn a doorknob clockwise (right) or counterclockwise (left) if you were standing outside?

I want to do Complete Myself Make Over?

Do a nice shiny Nude lip. With a darker shade for lip liner. Do black eye liner on your water line, and put golden brown on your eyelid. Put your hair in big curls, not small. Do French manicure. Put golden highlights or keep it all black, it's up to you. And wear something with flower pattern on te shirt, and Jean shorts. P.S I'm not Telling you what to do. It's just a suggestion

I was super annoying.. now he won't talk to me.?

So this guy I've been talking to for the past couple weeks is really different than the rest of the guys I've ever known. I'm kind of "defensive" you can say when it comes to guys because I've had some bad experiences but he says he understands and isn't a douche and that I can trust him and he wasn't going to ditch me. He reminds me a lot of myself. And he had hinted at us being a "thing" quite a bit. I told him some of my darkest secrets and he could relate to them and was understanding. I feel like the last couple days I was being really, really clingy because I always ask like when we are going to hang out again. He's been sick and I was aware I asked it a lot and it sounded clingy but I just thought eff it. It really isn't something I do and not like myself.. I know it was really stupid. But after I asked yet again he started using like one word responses like "naaah" and "noo" and I asked what was the matter? And he said "nothinnnn." So you know he was annoyed. So I stopped texting him. Now he hasn't texted me at all today. And I don't want to text him because I don't want to be annoying.. SO what can I do to fix this? I really don't want to just stop talking to him now.. but what can I do?

I need help with my hair?

I'm going to be a senior in high school. I've always had the same hair since I was 11, now I'm turning 17 in a few weeks. I've always pulled it up in a pony tail. Since I'm going to be a senior I figured it's time for a change. I'm biracial. My hair is uber curly and thick as can be. I need to know what I can do different with it.. Or is there a method of perminit straightening that will not ruin my hair.. And if you have ever had the Japanese hair straightening... What is the outcome after it where's off.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cannot remove a stuck screw?

I've been trying to switch the doorknob on my front door, but the one screw on the right will turn, but it won't come out. It only came out about half an inch before it stopped moving further, and it won't go back in either. Is there anything I can do to get it out while keeping the doorknob in one piece?

Can you get HIV from a nosebleed?

My friend had gotten a nosebleed while on the way driving back to her house. She didn't have the opportunity to wash her hands and I had touched the doorknob to her house after she went inside. Could I have gotten HIV from this?

Which noise is more annoying to you?

That stupid email noise or that stupid cow noo noise? I hate both with a passion but i guess the email noise is better.

Does anyone know how to cast a free spell pls for me!!!!!! NOO Phonyyys!!?

Can someone cast a spell for me without a cost!!! I just wanna see how it goes before I get into buying spells from people..I want my first time experince without much to ask for pls and thankyou Noooo phonyss! Please leave email!!!!******

What does this dream mean?

try to search on google "saysadream" .. is your answer to alllllll dreams ;) really! i used it

Guys do u prefer straight or curly hair?

It depends on the girl, cause diffrent chicks rock different looks some hairstyle looks better on certain girls.

How Can I Lock My Doorknobs from the Outside?

I don't want to have to bother with picking locks, so is there something i can buy to lock my doors from the outside... some kind of lock or something that fits over the doorknob?

How can i get non-frizzy, managable hair?

I had a similar problem to you- until I found this website: a href="" rel="nofollow" It saved my hair. After reading a ton of the tutorials, asking questions in the newbie-friendly forums, and getting daily e-mail updates and tips, my hair is smooth, manageable, and more curly (in a good way). Good luck! I feel your pain!

Honest opinions on my writing por favor?

I can't fault it, other than **** technical errors. But the foundations for decent narative are great :D

How to make a doorknob unable to turn?

I dont want ppl in my room when im sleeping, i dont have a lock so how do i make it so the doorknob cant turn.

Bloody diarrhea, should I be worried?!?!?

So, I bumped pretty hard into a doorknob ealier, near my pelvis bone on the left. 1-3 hours later, I had stomach pains. I got runny diarrhea. It didn't just have blood in it, it WAS bloody. It scared me D: Oh, I recently got off my menstural cycle/period. Should I be worried?

Would you rather have breakfast with a drunk Darth Vader or share an ice cream cone with the Elephant Man?

Any other questions of this demeaning nature can be directed through my attorney Vincent Scarpozzi. What? Uncle Vinny's been on the job for 9 months now......

Okay so I seriously like this boy, he's amazing but we've never been in the sane class. Read on to help me....?

Alright so we're friends on fAcebook, he'll talk to me when he wants, we know each other okay, but theres been these things going on. Like the other day in lunch, his friend got up and screamed my name sayin the boy I like wanted to go out with me , but the boi (unnamed) turned around like he was scared and said noo. An on fAcebook there's this game and he answered yes to the question "Is (my name) cute?" but he and all his friends say he don't like me and he's dated some bad chickas In the past few months and not cared about any of them. I need help. Thanks

Puppy Potty Trained Wrong...?

I would put my dog in his kennel if he pooped or peed in the house and tell him not yell but tell him no, when he would. So as soon as i fed him or gave him water i would let leave him alone but watch him. Dogs sniff around before the use the bathroom so when he would do that i would say lets go outside. Then he would pee or poop outside and i would reward him with a treat and tell him good boy, he soon caught on that going to the bathroom outside is a good thing and with that he will get a treat, thats how my dog learned. Also he learned that using the bathroom in the house was bad, because i would put him in his kennel. Dogs are smart it takes a lot of practice but your dog should catch on.

Help me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

listen, I know this will sound like what everyones saying. But your not fat, trust me. I'm younger than u and weigh more than you, and im not fat. just if you think your fat, ask your sister for advice. good luck! :)

I have a medical question: Is this tendinitis, carpel tunnel or what?

So today my girlfriend tells me that she has these pains and she doesn't quite no WHAT it is or how to fix the issue or ease the pain. She says simplest things get to her such as pulling up her blanket, closing the doorknob, or pumping hand soap. Its a very painful stinging pain problem extending from her wrist to the palm of her hand. We were thinking its like tendinitis or carpel tunnel and we have no idea when or how it happened. The pain is on and off but its very painful, and she needs help. What to do...

Srunching hair?.........?

I have African american curly bushy up hair. When im out the shower or in the shower it's so curly straight kinda.. When it finishes drying it goes frizzy poof dry. What kind of products do i need for my hair?(what brands) ......

Did i get my ex mad? 10pts.?

So he trys to munipulate n string me along, were still friends n stuff but we were on the phone n he was tryin to make me jelous so I said I'm goin to sleep night (its 11:33) and hung up then he texted please noo I'm board, so I said i m not ur entertainment, he said I no I just wanna talk, so I said no I'm tired you can't control me anymore you lost that power along time ago let's make that clear, I'm your friend not your robot, and he hasn't texted me back did I say the right thing did I make him mad?

HELP! my bedroom doorknob fell off! what can i use to get out?! please help?

the door knob to my bedroom completely fell off is there anything else i can use as a door knob to ge that door to open?! ive already tried pencils and a credit card... last time this happened to me i Just used scissors but i dont have any. thanks for the help

Did i ruin my metabolism in the past? please help =/?

Probably you will stay same but try not to focus on the future..focus on what's NOW..when you think about what's gonna happen later get into it and just give in. Try to distract a book, study, play whatever that does not involve reading. GL

Leaving For Baltimore, MD....?

I'm leaving for Baltimore in a while & i've heard that it's EXTREMELY humid. the problem is i have wavy-ish/ curly-ish beach hair and i'm afraid it's going to frizz! which will not be good. i always leave my hair down in its natural state and i just don't want it to frizz!!! how can i prevent the humidity from poofing up my hair? Oh and also what should i expect the weather to be like? i'm going to be there from early August to mid August. Any suggestions on what to pack? Thanks in advance.(:

Is there a keyless lock that requires only replacing a doorknob?

I'm looking for a key less lock such as a combination lock for a door. The door only has one hole from the one doorknob and I can not drill or make any more holes. So is there a lock that can be used with just one hole? I found one called gsa which has four turn dials in the knob but I known those types can easily be opened by looking in between the wheels and matching the numbers.

How to make young toddler forget her parents left while I'm babysitting?

The little girl is a year and a half old, and we'll be playing and everything will be fine, but then she all of a sudden runs to the door and tries to open it like she's looking for her parents. The doorknob is low enough for her to turn it, but it's locked. She whines like she's about to cry and won't let me pick her up and bring her back to the play room. I have to push a button on one of her Fisher Price toys and it sings the ABC's. I'm just wondering if you have any ideas for how to keep her from doing that. She's met me a few times, but this is the second time I'll be babysitting her and the second time I've been to her house. She normally comes to play outside my house, but it'll be 7 pm and I don't want her outside.

Do I have some sort of paranormal activity?

I don't wanna believe in ghosts, nor do I want to ever encounter one, but I may have had a paranormal event happen the other night. Well my room is in the basement, which has pretty nice suite, nd I was sleeping on the couch watching t.v, when all of a sudden the doorknob (which I had locked, thank god) started to shake as if someone was trying to get in. I asked who it was, and it was so clear I heard "It's me", it sounded like my mother. I got up and opened the door to find noone there at all... my mother was in a bad accident, so there's noway she could've hidden anywhere in time. This event is so subtle that it doesn't make me a strong believer, but still it happened. I always feel like there are eyes watching me, nd my cat who is dead now would always stare into the laundry room forever. I'd have friends over nd they would say they would hear footsteps on the stairs, nd my one friend said she was being suffocated (i don't believe her). I never would tell my friends that I thought the place was a lil haunted, they'd always tell me before. It's odd, but what could explain this?

Is it possible to learn guitar in this way?

i can read music yay! but not guitar music noo! so can i pick a song and get taught how to play it and not read it?

Why am i such a health freak. 10 points?

Honey, that sounds like OCD, i recommend seeing a therapist. You can get better, but it will take some work. Good luck :)

How can I get the wet curly hair look?

I'vee done it plenty of times before but was never satisfied. I'm african american with a little white, therefore my hair is naturally curly. I've used mousse in my hair tons of times to achieve curlyness which is some what cute and hard but it still looks poofy! help !! i want it to look flat, and presentable, not puffy and like somethings growing in my head :/ I don't really want to weigh it down with gel, but if that helps. GIVE SUGGESTIONS ! PLEASSEE (:

What to do with my Girlfriend? Who is wrong?

Ask her that if the role is reversed, how would she feel if you keep going to your ex girlfriend/best friend for advice and help instead of her. Tell her to think hard on that. And then consider your feelings whenever she feels like running to him instead of you. You are her boyfriend, not him. If she still clings on him whenever she needed someone, she is obviously not ready for someone new in her life. Tell her that you're not trying to force her into choosing between you and her ex, but she is close to stepping over the boundary here and you are hurting because of her actions.

Was I high last night?

I suppose it could make you high if you aren't used to it. You're only high if you tell your body you're high.

Do you think people are bored/tired of James Franco? Or noo?

hell no, i feel like i don't see him enough haha, it's not like he's an attention whore like Lady Gaga + co so i don't see why anyone would be annoyed or tired of him

Why do guys do nice women dirty?

Obviously she chose an idiot, if she is really like you say she is... I hope she will find Mr. Right very soon.....Also there is a lack of info on the men she has dated so maybe she is picky about them.

How do I get waves with short hair?

I have naturally curly hair but I have it cut kinda short, and I was wondering how to get 360 waves. Most people say brush it but that just causes my hair to lay straight. Gimmie some tips other than brushing and wear a wave cap. Or just lemme know if I can't get them at all

Antique Bedroom Door Locking?

My house is over 100 years old, and none of the bedroom doors lock. My sister steals my clothes and leaves them at her friends house and I never get them back. I really want to buy a doorknob that locks from the outside and the inside, but if I buy one then will I be able to install it on my antique door? Just wondering.

Monday, July 18, 2011



Hello, I'm a boy (14 years old) and I have thick,busy,curly hair can you help me find ways to style it?

my mom has curly long hair and she uses mouse. (if you dont know what that is google it!) it works alot. you dont need to style it. for shampoo use pantene or biolage (if you dont know those brands of shampoo google them!) hope this works

How do i know if a close friend(girl) likes me(girl)?

If she SAYS she's bisexual then she probably is. Tell her you want to kiss like Madonna and Britney - they are straight. If she goes for it then you'll know she's into you in THAT way.

Reality is the manifestation of the original magic spell?

I'm sorry to tell you, budd, but all the things you mentioned are explainable. Also, don't be so offended, many Deists are pretty much just Christians who want to avoid the flak of denying reality. Though I won't bash the beliefs you hold, as you dont seem like the batshit crazy religious kind of person that aids the slowing of human development.

What hairstyle is best?!? please help?

I'm going to a party tonight, everyone has to wear all black. i'm wearing a black dress, should I wear my hair curly or straight? I usually have it straight, it is long and brown, people tell me my hair looks exactly like miley cyrus's. please help!

I luv my gulfrnd very much . and even now also she love me . but i only dont noo the reason of our breakup.?

whenever i try to ask her whats the reason of breakup she never answer me . and she was in my area and now she changed the area and whenever i want to talk i catch her in the road and talk with her . whenever i try to talk wiht her she always say "please let me go " not even say i want to breakup. i even ask to tie rakhi . she was like noo... . and even its very hard to catch her in a road near her school because she have a small brother . he will tell to her mother.. i am in big trouble . you galz and guyz please help me....... .. and let me clear you that when my girlfriend mother know about our affairs then my girlfriend start doin all this thing . please say how should i say to my girlfriend that how much i love her . and how to impress her . and she is not bad girl she is a studious girl .

Curly tail worm v. Straight worm?

What's the difference? I'm not good at jigging. What do you use to just drag it along the ground. texas rig or carolina rig? I suck.

I need some help. I think my house could be haunted? Maybe?

This activity may relate to a past resident of the house, do you know the history of the house. Sometimes people and even animals don't know they have passed over and will just keep going about their day as normal, mostly reenacting the last few hours of their lives, this is why it is repetitive activity. Talk to your neighbors and see if there is some history there. A person may not have had to pass in the house as such but may have lived there and passed elsewhere. If you are uncomfortable with this get someone in that does house clearing. This can be an uncomfortable experience as you are not sure who it is and you didn't know them in life. In the meantime reciting the lords prayer puts up a block for any unwelcome spirits so try that. Hope you find a quick solution to this so you can relax and feel safe in your own home.

How To Keep Curls In Tact Question?

In a few weeks I'm going to be in the musical "Beauty and the Beast" and be playing Belle. For the opening scene (and for most there after) I have my hair in a curly ponytail. But for the ballroom scene, (the one where they dance and the song "Beauty and the Beast" is sung), my hair is going to be most likely down. I was wondering if there was any possible way I could curl my hair so that the curls stay in tact for the scene or if there's anything I could put in my hair to make the curls stay. I only have a few minutes to change and get my hair out of a tight ponytail into having it down, so re-curling would probably not work, considering the quick change and the thickness of my hair. Does anyone have any idea(s) so I can solve this problem? Thanks in advance.

I need a name for this girl charecter? Unusual lovley names needed?

No the contest is I need a name for a girl in my book, this girl has long blonde hair, it's curly and she is like love power, but not aphordite or pandora because she is dating cupid and Cupid is not a baby he is a grown man very handsome so I need a really good name for her?

Do you like the opening of my story?

To much use of "Kristen" and not enough elaboration. Its a great idea for s a story you just need to elaborate a bit more.

Did i ruin my metabolism in the past? please help =/?

125 lbs for your age and height is actually pretty average. So trying to lose weight was really not necessary.

Hair/ shampoo question for curly/wavy hair?

I had that SAME exact problem. What you need to do is moisturize, even if it gets oily. I use pantene curly hair series shampoo curly to straight. it's really nice. And I use something called argan tree oil deep conditioning mask once a week, it is like an instense conditioner which makes my hair non frizzy with beautiful Taylor swift curls. I wash my hair at night, wrap it in a towel for like an hour, then I sleep on it. In the morning it's kinda weird. But then I spend a few hrs with it in a bun and let it out- awesome hair. don't wash your hair every day- that isn't hood for your hair type. Every other day or maybe even every 2 days is ok. Good luck:)

What ad is this from?

I saw it in a magazine and am looking for the picture but can't remember the brand name. It's a picture of a blonde, curly-haired woman and her redheaded daughter in a wheat field (advertising bread). They are both in very natural, perhaps muslin tops. It is a sunny day. It might also be for Sun Chips, but I can't find the picture. Any help placing the ad and locating an image would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Outfits for back to school :)?

Well since you like that preppy glam look, I suggest putting together a simple outfit like the one you mentioned but with a kick. Get a form fitting shirt with a scoop neck then add in a cute high waisted skirt with leggings and a pair of cute flats (this will help show off your dancer figure, but in a conservative way). Then to add in some glam and make your outfit different from the others, add in a bunch of accessories. Since the outfit is so plain add a bold statement piece of jewelry such as a bib necklace. Then pick some earrings that will look nice paired with the outfit and look nice against your hair. And for that extra punch, put on a really fun ring or mix up some bracelets, something that really shows your personality. Hope this helps (:

What is the best styling product for my hair?

I have thick curly hair (very curly) It honestly is very hard to tame. I need a cream or a gel that will work to keep it from frizzing, but keep it controlled. Something like for scrunching. Thanks!!

What is the simple machine for these items.?

lever, rake, teeth, playground slide, push pin, knife, lids and caps, tire jack, steering wheel, doorknob, flagpole, nut cracker, inclined plane, ramp, door stopper, front teeth, light bulb, wheel and axle, roller skates, pulley, fork, hammer, stairs, winding road, arrows, shovel, faucet handle, pencil sharpener, rolling pin, clothesline, teeter-totter, bottle opener, escalator, wedge, axe, screw, corkscrew, pizzia cutter, can opener, window blinds please give me the simple machines such as lever inclined plane ect. please please hurry i have to have these by tomorrow!

Why won't my hair straighten?

i think it is cause its humid.. cause my hair doesnt straighten in the summer time when stuff is all humid and i have to pin back my layers and straighten them one at a time... Hope this helps!

Hair Styling Tips For Curls?

I have natural curly hair...... the way i domy hair in the morning is scrunch your hair with LOTS of gel and and then spray it with a medium strength hair spray.....

Shes more experienced?

Yea, your a bore and shes a whore so you both know what's in store. Get back in church and find a nice church going girl.

Curly hair issues!!!!?

I have curly short frizzy dry looking hair. Its been colored and dyed soooo many times. I know, its damaged. Now it barely curls its just a frizzy mess.I reaally want to inprove my hair health by the end of summer. What drug store products can i use to help me and what should i do to help

Sweet 16 hairstyles?!?

i need a nice curly hairstyle, has to be elegant also i dont want all my hair down i need some pulled up or all of it to one side. please send me pictures!

I cannot lockpick a simple door lock, can anyone please help?

don't listen to Heather, she doesn't know what she is talking about. I believe that you are at your own house. Maybe yu just need a real lock pick set?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I don't get any respect, and I seriously can't stand my family... help?

perhaps you should give your cats to a good home and get some when your older and have your own place for their sake also on your start up in your control panel on your computer you can put in a password so others can't get to your computer you can also use your finger print with yahoo as a seal if you clean your room up and don't keep anything in it you will be left in peace gather your precious things in a box and ask your grandma or an aunt someone you can trust to keep them for you make your room bare and boring that way the kids won't be able to bug you anymore even get a pad lock for your cupboard and keep your stuff locked up obviously no one has been taught any boundaries or respect and this will carry on in their lives as it is not a good example also with the trojans on your computers just a warning stop apps games etc on face book they are trojans and all the smileys etc are trojans so is downloading music for free if you keep your computer free of clutter less chance you have of trojans and worms and virus's be careful what programmes you download microsoft has the worst at the moment I recommend you only use Mozilla or google crome you can download them for free also web of trust WOT site and you can download AVAST for free it is the best malware programme out so is Alvira and AVG Hope this helps sometimes we have to give up things for peace & quiet in life I feel for you dear Hugs Granny M x

Help for my good friend please?

I have a great friend and she is a girl. She is pretty big. Her belly is the biggest part of her and it is round and hangs about an inch. She is very beautiful and I love her size. Her hair is gorgeous as well. It is long, blonde, and curly. But recently, she has been gaining a ton of weight. Every time I see her about once a week, she just seems a heck of a lot bigger. Her family is very poor and she can't afford a lot of new clothes, so she has only 2 pairs of pants that fit her. She has sweat pants and strechy ones. She needs to wear an extra large in a t shirt, but she wears a medium thinking it will make her look skinny. In the past month, her belly seems to be showing skin below her shirt and she has the biggest and boldest stretch marks I have ever seen. She truly is gorgeous, but I am starting to worry about her health. I really like her as a person, but that belly (though I like girls with hanging bellies) is getting enormous. What do I do?


tell him that it hurts you when he breaks his promises. also tell him that he acts differently when he's with his friends. make sure you don't sound too upset. he'll listen better to you if you're calm.

Help me style my natural hair!?

So my natural hair is curly and brown. Recently as it grows longer it does this weird thing where it curls but it gets super frizzy and the top layer of my hair goes straight. It's not because of the weather because I thought that originally and it still does it no matter what. So.....getting to the point, does anyone know of any good styling products I can use or tricks / tips? Please please please help!! 10 points best answer. Thank you!!

Photo editor that changes your hairstyle?

Is there any program like Photoshop or Gimp but where you can change your hair? For example.. I have curly hair but I want to make it straight.

My OCD is driving me insane?

UM...try mediation...or see a freaking doctor. Sounds like you need to talk to a professional, girl.

My story so far - second attempt?

I like it. But just remember that "Saint Road" and any other road should start with capitals, not lower-case. Your imagery and description is really great though.

Would my safe room be safe in a tornado?

That Depends on the Strength of the Tornado- AND whether your House took a Direct "Hit" or Not !!! Here's the "Problem" ; Assuming your "Safe Room" is above ground, -It could be all too vulnerable- to the Sudden plunge of Atmospheric Pressure that occurs- as the Twister is passing Overhead! What THIS Does- is to turn the area AROUND your House into a "semi-vaccuum", and EXPLODE your "safe room" outward because of the MUCH higher pressure INSIDE it !!! And once your "Safe Room" is Gone, -You're Next !! So there are NO Guarantees :o

Hey can anyone HELP!! me?

I'm looking for a dog but i don't know what kind of one to get can you help this is what i kinda want in a dog- i want it to be medium sized and with fluffy or curly hair, it will sleep in a dog shed but it will be out during day and if weather was ever bad it would sleep inside, i want a play full dog, it will be walked and played with everyday, where i live in the country so it will have loads of room to play and i don't live near a main road, So what kind of dog should i get? Thanks

I know that this is weird, but why do you think i do it?

I don't know why, i have always liked trying to give myself a black eye. I almost like the feeling of it. When i get them i always try to poke at them and preserve the look. When i don't have them lots of times I will intentionally hit my eye against a door or a doorknob or something? I know this is really weird but is there a reason why i might do it? I have had some problems with depression in the past.

Dealing with long thick curly hair?

First of all, long and curly hair is beautiful! You should never feel ashamed about your hair. Second, my advice to you is that you may have to cut it if you cannot manage to brush it without yanking (don't yank!) Use a lot of conditioner and take your time to brush it evenly when it is wet. Then make sure to put it up in a ponytail or braid so it does not get tangled.

How much are these dolls?

I have five porcelain dolls that i would like to sell. two of them are like, collectors or something because they have a number on their necks. i forget what they're called and they are in very fine condition. i have some pictures. but i dont know how to post them on here. there is one doll with curly, blonde hair and a head band or wreath of flowers on her head with ribbons coming down from it. she also has a floral dress and ' 130 B ' on the back of her neck. the next has brown hair with braids and flowers in her hair with a green and white checked lacy dress with ' B9437 ' on her neck. then theres one with the same hair but a plaid hat instead. shes sitting and holds a bear and has a buttoned sweater. the next is a ballerina with brown hair in a bun on top of her head. the last has curly brown hair and a red checked hat and dress. also, if one knows how to upload pics on here, that would be helpfull. thanks.

Is this considered cheating and what do I do?

You could have pulled away. That would make your side stronger. No, I don't think you cheated but I do think your boyfriend is being extremely stupid. Keep in mind that he's hurt.

Simple Summer Hairstyles with no heat required?

I have medium length, about 4-6 inches past my shoulders, and i have a TON of hair. The type is hard to explain. Sometimes it is more crazy than others but most of the time it is a mixture of straighter toward my scalp and more wavyish/curly the farther down you get. It is really difficult for me to do anything but straighten it because my hair is really wild and the natural hair is not so good looking. I have one or two layers and I just want easy simple summery ideas where you don't need any or very little heat. My hair is really really difficult so I need some good ideas!

What does this mean ?

so my friend's boyfriend asked her if she wanted a teddy bear from great america, and she said no, but she wanted to say yes.. and than my boyfrriend ask me if i want one i said hell to the noo, and he's like alright. they both come back my boyfriend brings me a bear even thou i said No,and my friends bf didn't bring her anything, and she is freaking out i told her it doesn't mean anything am i right? or those it mean something>? lol thanks

I was super annoying.. now he won't talk to me.?

So this guy I've been talking to for the past couple weeks is really different than the rest of the guys I've ever known. I'm kind of "defensive" you can say when it comes to guys because I've had some bad experiences but he says he understands and isn't a douche and that I can trust him and he wasn't going to ditch me. He reminds me a lot of myself. And he had hinted at us being a "thing" quite a bit. I told him some of my darkest secrets and he could relate to them and was understanding. I feel like the last couple days I was being really, really clingy because I always ask like when we are going to hang out again. He's been sick and I was aware I asked it a lot and it sounded clingy but I just thought eff it. It really isn't something I do and not like myself.. I know it was really stupid. But after I asked yet again he started using like one word responses like "naaah" and "noo" and I asked what was the matter? And he said "nothinnnn." So you know he was annoyed. So I stopped texting him. Now he hasn't texted me at all today. And I don't want to text him because I don't want to be annoying.. SO what can I do to fix this? I really don't want to just stop talking to him now.. but what can I do?

So if you feel like answering a long question about my ex bf answer this? ;D?

I didn't read any of it but I say he's a jerk for cheating on you! lol is this what it's about... haha sorry lol

Hi need an opinion for my dudes?

Guys do we like girls with long hair or short hair? Brown hair or blonde hair, curly hair or straight hair? For me it's ling, blonde and curly.

How do i flirt with guys at camp?

going to summer camp next week an i have never had a bf and i realy think this is a good oppurtunity so what r somee good things to say while flirting and cute body language. plz noo perverts

WHATS GOING ON WITH ME?! pregnant? or what..?

okay so im 17 and idk whats going on with me....i havent got my period in well over a month! and 3 weeks ago i got some kind of brownish stuff that i thought was the comming of my period but no it lasted about 2-3 days and it wasnt soooo much but i used a pad but it was literally brown noo blood then i pee every minute and when i work out sometimes i pee in my pants alot! i mean i always eat alot but latley i just have cravings and i cant stop the last time i got my period i believe was may 12th? or earlier like 10th i forget but yes i have a boyfriend and we have sex but he always uses a condom but idk if it broke or something happened bc most of the time hes drunk

Im sooo shy but i want to become an actor?

okay i am a 13 year old girl and ive always been shy . Like more nervous then shy but anyway. Like if we go to the doctor im so shy and when the doctor asks me whats wrong i just sit there and my mom has to explain.. Well that was when i was younger now i talk a lil more then i did but thats an example. I joined drama class to help me but it doesntt!! we perform like every class but still . I get really really nervous before performing or presenting like a project and sometimes even to raise my hand to answer a question in school ( a serious question) but when im with my friends or classmates im not shy . Like im just crazy me .Then when im in my option class with other classes im all shy . I want to become an actress and this is def not gonna make me one if i stay like this but i just cant help it . In homeroom i have absoulutely noo friends at all and everytime someone talks to me im just really shy and usually dont reply back and stuff and im scared i will end up saying something stupid and ugghhh.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Comment/Critique this poem?

I enjoyed the diverse style and though the content is very unlike my own writing, it kept my attention riveted and left me wondering about the persons within, what more their lives led to...

I hit my head please help me!?!?!?

Yesterday I was leaning on my door and hit the back of my head on the doorknob. It hurt right after and then turned into a headache. I've never really had a head ache like this before. My head feels like it's ringing and it aches badly. I went to sleep and when I woke up this morning it kinda felt better, but know it's really bothering me! What do you think is wrong? Is this normal? I'm scared

Why does my girlfriend like to play with my knob?

Ok so I have a really fancy doorknob and my girlfriend is amazed by it. When she comes to my house she just looks at it and feels it for hours on end. I don't think much of it, but she does. I want her to stop obsessing over it so she can spend more time with me. Please help!

How to get my hair like this?

How do you make your hair curly with moose ?

You have to use the moose in your hair when it's damp. Then you have to twist each individual curl around your finger.

Why does he like to talk a lot about his guy friend(s)?

Some guys are just weird. He could just be really into his friends and thinks they're cool. Or he could be gay. Whichever if you don't care to much start dropping hints that you could care less so he'll leave you alone or grin and bear it.

Creepy teacher!!! :S?

Yes, you need to tell the principal asap, what he is doing is illegal and if he gets caught he could get fired. By not telling the principal he is just going to get away with it time and time again, and by telling the principal you will stop it from happening to other girls like yourself in the future.

How do I become more outgoing and less shy?

I've always been shy. But I feel it's holding me back in life. I see a cool person I want to talk to and I think "Noo, I'm not cool enough to talk to them." So I guess I'm asking, how can I become more confident and outgoing towards people?

Creepy teacher!!! :S?

Heck yea, tell the principle. Creepy animal! Totally violating his role as a teacher and disgracing what teaching stands for!

Can someone help me figure out a good hairstyle for my face?

Side-swept bangs are the best for round faces. Never part down the middle, and always have one side a lil more heavier/fuller than the other.

I think im falling for this guy, He says hes falling for me too, but hes a player..and i have trust issues?

Help? He acts like he loves me, and he tells me im the only one, but ive been cheated on waaay too many times..And i reallly want him too be different, but idk if he will cheat on me or not...I dont trust guys easily, bc my heart has been broken sooooo many times. I really dont think i could take it again. He plans to ask me out soon, Should i say yes? and take the risk? Or say noo..and stay friends? bc Honestly guys, they can be amazing and treat yhu right, but wit my luck thr usually all cheaters): I just hope hes a guy thts worth my time....Help?!

POLL: What's a good story to explain my black eye?

I tripped over my puppy and hit my eye on a doorknob and so now I've got a black eye, but I don't really want to tell my friends that since they already tease me about being so clumsy, aha. What's a story I could just say that's realistic and just.. average?

Why am i such a health freak?10 points?

You sound like you have obsessive-compulsive tendencies bordering on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). You have it because of the way your brain is wired. Instead of anxiety about something (getting sick) ramping down after awhile, it just keeps going and going, like a merry-go-round. There are techniques to deal with this. Google OCD and read up on it,

I can't open my front door?

Generally you can either turn the mechanism with a screwdriver or something that will fit into the hole that the door knob shaft slips through. If you see what looks like a couple of hook-like projections, try pulling straight back (toward the hinge side of the door) on one or the other of those and that should retract the striker bolt.

Tired of Being Cute- Fashion Advice?

maybe you could try rebonding ur hair? and maybe go for some job to get slimmer on ur cheeks and also maybe you might want to do what adults do =)

Should I date this boy?

Go out with him, but take things slow. Really get to know him, so that you can be sure he is clean as he says.

Textureizer screw up..?

Ive benn getting textureizers for the longest times! But when i went to get a touch up, nothing really changed, my roots are still small curls, the rest if my hair us like wavy-curly type of hair, can i get another touch-up? or do i leave it like that and dont do anything?

Anyone have cute easy hairdos for layered hair?help?

i have hair a little past my shoulders but my shortest layer is up to the top of my ears and i reallyy havent came across any cute hairstyles because my hair always falls out i usuallyy straighten it but i just got my haircut and the straightner and blow dryer are frizzing it out and giving me spilt ends again and i dont have money to get it done again and i want it to grow out fast.i have naturallyy wavy/curly hair please any cute hairstyles?(with directions please,i can never figure anything out) and maybe if any some home remedies for growing hair out fast or highlights without buying dye?thanks please please help

Is this rap good. I did lil waynes verse from welcome to my hood?

Ya dude that's pretty awesome. I agree with him.^^ you should do some more material and send some of ur work to a minor recording studio. It'd be good if u could rap those lyrics too

How do i keep my hair straight while swimming? ?

I like to straighten my hair alot bcuz my hair is naturally curly and frizzy but I also like swimming alot but my problem is that whenever I straighten my hair then get it wet it goes back to curly and frizzy, so is there a way to keep it straight while im in the water?

Locked out of my bathroom...?

ok. i locked myself out of the bathroom. i cant unlock it With a toothpick or bobypin. but i need to get in. if i just take the doorknob off and let the other side fall into the bathroom, will it let me in? or will we have to break down my door? i really need help. i need to get the door opened before my mom gets home. thanks.

I'm Going into Middle school ... I want to be prepared for every good thing and bad thing about it ... Tell me?

i just finished my first year of middle school and i am so happy you asked! i am going to start with how to be attractive to guys. be yourself and be confident! guys love confidence in a girl:) and i know its cheesy, but u really shud be proud of who are and be yourself! if you change yourself to get in a relationship, you have to keep up this alternate personality and its hard! (not to mention that means he doesnt really like YOU, he likes who you are pretending to be.) as for makeup, i realize now that i got to caught up with finally beeing allowed to wear makeup, and even tho i didnt wear that much, i overdid it for a 11/12 yr old. i would stick with just mascara, maybe a just a touch of blush, and then soft pink lips. i reccomend soft lips in that metalic pink. it looks soo pretty and sweet, especially with brown waves:) friendship: alot is happeneing as you transition, and your friends are going thru all the same things. just be there for them and listen. i found the best way to be a good friend is to always be able to just listen to your friendds problems, as well as lighten the mood and joke around. just dont cross any lines with the joking. try to be optimistic and see the bright side of evrything, and tell your friends the bright sides. i found that smiling, even when you dont feel like it, is guaranteed to make you feel better :) the main things to remember in middle school are be confident(dont doubt yourself!), stay focused on classes!!!! never forget your homework!!! dont get too distracted by all these other aspects of life. even tho they seem like a big deal, they really dont affect your future, where as if you flunk out of a class, that can affect you through your whole life. good job on being in the advanced classes! dont rely on your brilliance though, make sure to apply your knowledge and work hard. you will be soooooooo glad u did. dont get stressed! i hope this helps!!!! good luck:)

My hair seems short :-(?

That's just like my hair. Your hair isn't short. Short is like at the top of your neck. So your hair is shoulder length or medium hair.

Should i straightened my hair or live it like that?

so i have curly which is great but its hard to maintained it. so i also have the instyler i cant use it its dry and damp but totally love straightened and curly i don't know what kind of style should i go big curls or soft curls and hair straight or live curly then straight in the bangs i don't know what to do so thats were you guys come in so please help me!

Could you rate the start of my story?

The beginning is interesting enough. I wondered "hum...why does this person have a wig?" It sounds fairly well-written. I'd just watch out for separating the sentences so it's easier to read.

Am I looking too much into it..................?

He probably just didn't feel like starting a conversation. Honestly, I stop IMing back if people keep doing it every time I get on. I don't do it to be mean, I just really don't feel like having a conversation everyday through IM. I only IM a very very small amount, so he could be like me. Maybe you should just not IM him anymore. I had a girl who kept trying to do it and it was very annoying. I would say do it every now and then, but just wait some time!

Did i just faint or what?!?

So i woke up this morning and walked over to my door to go downstairs, when i was about to twist the doorknob, i felt super dizzy and like i my eyes kinda went black and blurry. The next thing is i wake up and my head hurts like crazy and im lying next to the wall by the door.. Did i pass out or faint or what?? My head hurts

I get 4-6 hours of sleep per night and spend the rest of the night online... but i'm fine?

i fall asleep between midnight and 4 and wake up 4-6 hours later, so between 6 and 10 depending on when i nodded off that night. but it does not affect my performance in my home schooling my concentration or anything. my doctor, when asked said i have no sleep deprivation symptoms. i wake up refreshed and ready for action usually. also, i admit to being an internet addict and it's no secret to my family, and i usually spend the more lonely part of the night playing runescape, chatting on facebook or just looking at cats. i do it during a lot of the day time too, and people say it's bad for you. bad for your eyes, makes you fat and can cause carpal tunnel, wrist and hand fatigue and other complications in that area. but i have perfect 20/20 vision, am average weight and could probably break a doorknob off on purpose if for whatever reason i had to. so what's up with both of those things? has my body adapted to the conditions? am i just built that way? is medical science wrong? wtf did i accidentally do to make my body so friggin cool?

What does all of this mean between me and him?

He is awfully moody. I get the feeling that you are into him a whole lot more than he is into you. I think a casual friendship might be all you'll get for now

Is it okay to straighten my hair 5 days a week?

Okay,so I have super thick,curly hair.I wish to straighten it.However,I swim competitively 5 days a week,so straightening once every few days is not an option.I deep condition on a regular basis,and own thermal protection spray.Will my hair be okay if I straighten it every weekday?(I plan on leaving it curly for the weekends)

Is curly hair attractive? ***men answer please!***?

I have really curly blonde hair. I keep the frizz under control and my hair is really healthy. Is curly hair attractive?

What's a good hairstyle?

I suggest you don't get layers because you wouldn't be able to do as much pretty hairstyles like braids. I think you should straighten it like mine with some side bangs (:

Friday, July 15, 2011

What does this dream mean?

Many people dream of things like this .. I learned from a site that I use for some time to share my dreams and read those of others. You know you can learn so many things! try to search on google "saysadream" .. is your answer to alllllll dreams;) really! i used it

Scary / Creepy movies such as?

When A Stranger Calls , Amusment and Nightmare On Elm Street.I like movies with plot and not just random killing. I do like gore , noo old movies ! Remakes I like though . Oh and stories , not documenteries , so nothing like the excorsism of emily rose

Dooooo you think he likes me ^_^?

From the pro, I advise you that now that you're already friends, push on to the flirting like you've done when you sent your text to him. The more you do it, he'll do it, but if he doesn't acknowledge the signs which you will make clear to him, he's probably not ready to be in a relationship or just wants to be friends. Since he wants to hang out if he's sick after eating something, then he's trying to hold on to you, us boys never let an opportunity pass, even if you're about to throw up. We are devoted and loyal, but very few of us. So treasure the things that are difficult to attain. I think he has a spit for you. Grab it before it departs!!! That's good you're confessing that you love him. Boys like it when girls initiate a prose of affection, they feel touched. Don't do it too much, then he'll know what to expect. Say that you love him and leave him, questioning and that way, he will come to you, simples. But good luck to what ever happens!!! ;)

Can you straighten eyelashes?

my eyelashes are reallly curly ha, umm i want to get eyelash extenstions but the lady said that if she put extensions on they would be pointing straight up ha so please dont say how people would kill for my eyelashes, i really dont like them i look like a fool. ha thanks for the help:)

Loose tooth................ Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

It worked with me if I kept wiggling it or bite into a pretzel or something hard. If not it doesn't hurt really bad when you get your tooth pulled.

Which hair styles look best on curly/frizzy hair?

I have curly/frizzy hair which is hard to style at times because its so frizzy so very hard to manage but i would like to know which hair styles look nice with curly/frizzy hair and which conditioners are best to tame the frizz, thanks

Did you know that licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets?

interesting fact something I must keep in mind when I visit other planets. Good thing it isn't illegal here because that is one of my favorite pastimes

Air Force Boot Camp? I'm really worried.?

Chevy, what you are about to do is most honorable. First let me put you at ease, NO YOU WILL NOT BE RAPED! The people that have said this to you, ignore them on this and all other issues they venture and opinion on as they are simply IGNORANT. Recruits are safe and there are many safeguards to protect anyone who feels any danger including the entire staff of the Chaplains office, ministers and priests that you may see at anytime in the event you are in anyway being threatened. I am 90% certain that will not happen. Now, your upper arm strength will be an issue for you. I would suggest immediately beginning a full regime of weight lifting and jogging. Before you enlist you should be able to lift your body weight in a bench press. Also, you should be able to jog, without effort, at least four miles. These may seem impossible tasks as you look at them now, but the human body is an amazing mechanism. Start slow, and you would not believe what three months of intensive exercise will do for you. Even if you have to put off enlisting until the late fall, the Air Force will always be there. When I say to exercise I do not mean 1 hour per day but making it a complete priority in your day. You should be working out with weights or jogging at least two hours per day, one hour in the morning, one hour in the hear of the day. Again, start slowly and increase each week. Finally, the Air Force as a career is an EXCELLENT IDEA! If you have any interest in completing your education or perhaps entering a health care field the Air Force will see to it you have learning opportunities. Do not listen to some of the people you are now hearing doubt they may be staying behind, smoking their dope, and wasting away as your life moves forward in bold ways that you will never regret. After all, what's a little discomfort or physical pain to get fit for life. Please, follow this plan and you will be a success.

Im stuck in the closet....?

I was hiding from my baby brother, he's 2, and i closed the closed door (with out realising it was locked) and my baby brother banged on he doorknob and it broke off and i can't get out.

How do you put frizzy, thin, curly, medium length hair into ponytails?

I have really really thin hair and whenever I put my hair into ponytails it just get super frizzy at the top and won't stay flat. All the time, if I want to put my hair into ponytails or braids, I have to blow-dry and flat iron my hair. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

EMERGENCY! My doorknob is broken.?

I think something is wrong with the insides of my doorknob. It does have a lock on it. I unscrewed it and took the part of the doorknob facing me off, the other door knob looks like it came out of the Little holes and is about ready to fall off the door! HELP my dog is in the other room!

Cannot remove a stuck screw?

I've been trying to switch the doorknob on my front door, but the one screw on the right will turn, but it won't come out. It only came out about half an inch before it stopped moving further, and it won't go back in either. Is there anything I can do to get it out while keeping the doorknob in one piece?

Makeup, hair and fashion help!?

Yes, go ahead and do winged eyeliner. Straighten your hair and wear the black jeggins. If not winged eye liner, just thinly line your eyes with black liner and apply mascara.

My perm is growing out??????????

Hi. so i recently got a curly perm about a month or so ago. at my roots, my natural hair straight is slightly growing out already. what would i be able to do about my perm growing out?

I have very curly kinky hair?

a friend suggested straightening it, anysuggestions on cheap small straighteners my isnt super long and where i could find them thanks

Naomi Scott make up in somebody?

i liked here make up, it seems nice to brown people like me and her, can u tell me how to do make up like hers in that video?you know, her hair was curly too

I bought a venus flytrap and i dunno how to take care of it?

Someone help. I bought it, and theyres 2 grown and 2 baby ones. I have noo idea how to take care of them.

Eye site? Blurriness? Whaaa?

When I look at something, say I looked at a doorknob, The place that I'm directly looking at is clear, but everything around it is blurry. What's this called??? D:

I want to become a model?

I'm 14 almost 15 year old girl. I'm 5ft7. I have blonde- light brown ringlet curly hair with bright blue eyes . I have a good curvy but slim, toned figure and I have slightly olive perfect skin . Everyone I know says that I should be a model. And alot of people fancy\have fancied me. I really want to become a model but I don't know where to start and if i'm pretty enough. Thanks x

I want grow long hair.advice please....?

My hair is very wavy n curly it is very hard to manage if its grow up more than one month...coz it will look like a birds nest :/ because of this always I had a short I have been growing my hair for the past one month and I look like a total mess.I know u need patience to grow hair...any suggestions? tips? can I cut the hair above my ears? coz its verryy curly..i want to grow out my hair like this.

Door knob doesn't lock?

My doorknob on my bedroom door does not work. It has a turn lock on the inside and a hole on the outside. The issue is that even when i turn the lock to the locked position, the knob can be easily unlocked by simply turning the doorknob with a little torque. The issue has nothing to do with the doorway because the lock doesnt stay locked when I try it and the door is open too. How do i fix this?

REVIEW MY SHORT STORY.. its only the begining?

OMG, I love it! That actually has room to grow into a full-fledged novel, not just a short story, keep up the good work!

Which hair diffuser is the best?

I have super thick, frizzy hair and I recently heard about diffusers and wondered if you guys recommend them, and if so, which one? So my hair is wavy, slightly curly, SUPER SUPER SUPER thick and really frizzy.

Why did he ask about me?

He likes you but doesn't want a relationship. Not that hard. You make it hard for him not to want to rush things. Keep trying to talk to him but don't obsess over it, and not so often.

Shedding on a flat-coated cockapoo?

I recently got a 12-week old flat-coated cockapoo from a cockapoo breeder (from whom I also got my other very low-shed curly cockapoo who is now 11-months old ). I understand breeders cannot guarantee their puppies' coats and temperaments. I also understand that a flat-coated cockapoo must have taken more traits from the shedding cocker spaniel side rather than the non-shed poodle side. But my new flat-coated cockapoo is shedding like crazy. A groomer told me (and the vet confirmed) that the dog might just be nervous or anxious because I just got her a week ago. Can anyone share with me their expert knowledge on why a dog in general (regardless of the breed) might be shedding? Do most shedding breeds shed more in the summer months? I plan to ask the vet for more possible causes of this shedding when we go back for the puppy's next scheduled vaccination shots. For now, I am using the Furminator daily on her to reduce the shedding and it does somehow help but the shedding continues anyhow. Any other 'treatments' you can recommend for my new pup? She is a very beautiful, sweet, gentle yet spunky, easily trainable little pup and I hate to just give her up simply on the basis of her coat-shedding. I do not 'judge' nor 'reject' people based on their physical characteristics and I do not want to do that to this puppy.

I know who he is i know what he's done with dark magic?

okay so i saw this trailor on tv for harry potter and that was the beginning quote for the trailor but i cant figure out whos saying it? its a girl with black curly hair who doesnt look too old. im pretty sure its not bellatrix. anyone know who said that? thankss!

Physics door knob problem?

Turning a doorknob through 0.22 of a revolution requires 0.10 J of work. What is the torque required to turn the doorknob?

Do you think the "anti-germ" movement will have a counter effect?

When I was a kid and my parents where kids and so on, we didn't have all these anti-bacterial soaps and all this information about germs like we do today. Sure we got sick once in a while but for most part, a dirty doorknob wasn't going to take us to the hospital. Do you think all this anti-germ products for children are going to put a crutch on their immune system that may enable them to prepare for viruses and illness in the future?

I want to dye my hair darker, are there any natural ways to do that?

Theres not natural way to dye it! If you go to dark then your roots will show but if you just go a shade or two darker it will probably fade close to your natural before long and you wont have to go back to get roots touched up!

Aggravating question here........... about guys?

okay so I've been wondering why noo like really hot guys ever check me out! only very rarely will they . but they just never seem to notice me :( only black guys do( i don't have a problem with them) or older men 40,50,even 60's ew! or some ugly looking men. I want the realllllly hot white guys to check me out or fall for me! do white guys like not like colored girls? cause I'm east Indian and I'm hot ;) (not to sound conceited) so can any of you answer this???

How long do you think it would take to do all this?

7:15 because you said u have thick curly hair and you want to flat iron it if u dont want to flat iron your hair sometime i would say 7:30

Why did he say this to me?

Regardless if you like him, take my advice and get rid him. You can tell him that a girl from the internet said that you should break up.

Hair perm! need suggestions?

I'm turning 16 in late august and for my birthday I want to get a different hair style for my junior year in high school. I want to get a perm! I just don't know what kind. I have medium length hair (i'm hoping for it to grow more longer) so I'm going to trim it soon. It's not very healthy but I think it'll get better. My hair is thick and dark brown and not straight or curly -_-. I want really curly poofy hair :D well maybe not THAT poofy just really curly NOT wavey. Any Suggestions and pictures would be great (i'm open-minded). Thank you!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Difference between guy and girl ejaculation?? c u m?

Okay so me and my friend were really high (please no preaching about how weed is bad blah blah blah) and we went in my pool. Everything was fine until he started freaking out because he said he saw something white in the water. He got out and asked me if that white stuff was from me and I immediately denied it and was kind of offended he's think that I'd do that, there is noo sexual relationship between us (he's gay and I'm a girl) But the next day, I checked in my pool and there was definitely some sort of c u m in the water. I'm really confused now because either he did it and is just blaming it on me, or I did it and didn't realize it because I was so high. I'm not attracted to him at all and obviously he's not attracted to me but I heard being high makes you really sexually aroused? The stuff is white and thick and kind of slimy, so I don't know if that's girl or guy c u m? please help!!

How can i tell my friend to STOP dressing like me?!?

lol ewww but seriously that's creeepy. I think you could maybe stop hanging out with her but if you like her other than that maybe when she asks you could change the subject. Or if it's over the phone you shout "coming mom" and say I have to go bye. But if that fails when she asks next time just tell her it bothers you. Good luck!

Should I date this boy?

Yes go for it.... i think this is exciting :D like live how u want to cause you dont know if tomorrow comes so GO FOR IT he says hes clean now & btw ur parents dont have to know everything lol just have fun & see if things work out... later on u can take the next step into introducing him to ur rents if u want:) good luck & have fun

How do I tell my parents I have a Girlfriend?

I'm in 8th grade, and she's in 9th grade. So we can't see each other at school. We can't drive either yet, so that eliminates secretly dating. how would I ask my parents, and what would I say if they reply like "Noo, you aren't old enough" or "Noo, you aren't responsible enough"?

How do i turn a doorknob?

First off I'd start by not buying a new house when you are under the age of 12, it can be very hard to get the money to pay for it. Second you used the word turn in your question, not very sneaky there.

I know that this is weird, but why do you think i do it?

I don't know why, i have always liked trying to give myself a black eye. I almost like the feeling of it. When i get them i always try to poke at them and preserve the look. When i don't have them lots of times I will intentionally hit my eye against a door or a doorknob or something? I know this is really weird but is there a reason why i might do it? I have had some problems with depression in the past.

Creepy teacher!!! :S?

Heck yea, tell the principle. Creepy animal! Totally violating his role as a teacher and disgracing what teaching stands for!

Can't find 90's board game anywhere, what is it?

I use to play this game when I was little that had crystals, and consisted of hanging small rectangular signs on doorknobs throughout your house. I think one or two of the signs said "Attic" and Basement" on it. I cant remember for the life of me what it is, but the game was from sometime before 1996.

Need sexual nicknames!?

My son has a girlfriend that they call Butterhead. I asked why and he said everything looked good but her head. Personally I thought it was good too. But Butterhead is my vote.I thought another we used to call a girl. She was called "Skippy" because her legs were smooth and easy to spread. And no to that A hole who will probably tell you Petter Pan it WAS SKIPPY and it was BUTTERHEAD!

Can someone read my story and give me options on how to end it, i'm having trouble with the ending?

Mary is scared. She doesn’t know what she’s about to endure. She just got a message that she’s to go to 108 Palm Ave. at precisely 3:14 p.m. She doesn’t know who it’s from or why she has to go there. At the end of the message she was told that she had to go to 108 Palm Ave. or else. As she’s walking through the winding road her stomach begins to get lower and lower towards the ground. Above her head are blue skies, birds chirping and the sun shining on the green grass. She looks ahead to see that a couple of hundred feet away lies a dark, dense forest with a camouflaged sign that says Palm Ave. There is only one road, which means that there is only one house. As she continued down the path, her heart kept beating faster and faster as her legs began to feel like she wasn’t walking anymore. As she entered the forest, the lonely house stood all by itself. She raised her hand to ring the bell and the doorknob immediately began to turn. The door slowly started opening and a bright light came through the crack of the open door. Standing at the door, she saw

What/is there a difference between a hair relaxer(protein) and permanently straightening hair? Which is better?

I have curly hair but I want it straight.. I don't know if there is a difference between the treatments..

Do ostriches make good pets?

Its plain..its simple and my friend next to me says he wants one. Please save me from this mad person. Quote: " Can't you just imagine having one standing over your head when you wake up calling " WAKE UP YOU DOORKNOB!! FEEEEEDDDD MEE YOU LOOOSSSER!!" then it pecks you in the face and in a unplesent place that shall not be named"....eeewww....who would even bother to put their noses down there?

My bedroom does not lock?

It is probably an alignment problem. It is not latching. If the latch springs in and out, it is okay. Check to make sure the hinge screws are tight. If they are loose, the door sags enough that the latch doesn't line up You may have to adjust the strike plate on the door jamb. Either take it off and file the hole, or move it.

My dreads seem loose is this ok or bad?

So I just had got my hair done like 3 days ago and the chick who came over to my house and did my hair, backcombed it and then twisted it using dread gel etc... It seemed pretty legit, but now it's just that they don't seem to be as tight as some other peoples dreads according to what a friend had told me and told me I had to get it redone. But he used a different technique... and he has more Caucasian hair and I have really curly hair. So now more to the point! Do they seem loose because I'm using a different technique and they need to go through the locking process. Or the chick who did my hair did it wrong and I need to get them redone?

How do you pick a lock without buying any kind of picking set?

Those neon flags that are small bright pieces of plastic on a wire work well. Bend the wire and put it in the lock and push it until it opens.

This guy reallyy led me on and i don't know what to do now?

Maybe his Friends said something about you that got him embarrassed like "oh you like her ew" or w/e and he he probably thought oh well my friends don't like her why should I. Like guys to me seem to compete with their friends with who they date they don't want to be dating a girl that their friends don't like. If you really really like him and see that you guys could have something together than I would make him chase you. If he talks to you just tell himthat you are goof out with a bunch of friends and can't talk right now. This might sound immature but I would post on Facebook "agh (.guy name) is so funny he always makes me laugh!" or "having a greattime with so and so" let him know that you arent gonna take his bullshit games because I have been in your situation several times and making them chase you always works if not just tell him out on it and give him a reality check cause he needs it!

What way should i wear my hair?!?

Its my 16th birthday next week and I still don't know which way to wear my hair! My hair is long and naturally curly/wavy. I have layers and a full fringe (bangs). Please help!

Do i look better with straight or curly hair?

I am going to say straight, but mainly because the last picture was the best because you were not doing "duck lips". Just say NO to duck lips. Pretty girl though and both look nice!


so me and this guy dated for almost 2 months.. but problems came in between, i asked him to meet my bro .. he said "okie" after a while he changed and he was backing off not calling me that much , he wont care as before, he wont text that much, like he changed , he always tells me hes busy with his friend opened a shop so i understand hes busy, but he wont call me if i dont , i didnt call him for two day and he didnt even call.. like really i was stress and crying and thinking if he sill wnats me or not.. so after a while i called him and asking to see him he didnt respond, and i called , he mesgd back saying to stop bothering him and hes with a girl, i said ur jk hes like stop im witha girl and i deleted him off of from my messnger list at bbm bc i got mad and tha was my reaction, he called me saying he was at his sis graduation and he was trying making me jealous or mad and he said for real i cant handle u , so its done and over.. LIKE REALLy i was like i didnt know u were jk i thought ur serious, thats why.. hes like noo its done , i kept sending mesgs and saying sorry , but still he didnt listen and 2nd day he deleted me off of his fb, and im still shock and crying like i know i rushed about" if my brother wants to meet him' in the beginning but still he ignored me and he wont call that much like he used too, something chanaged him , idk if i rushed when i deleted him from my list???? pls ppl help im hurt and stressed i cant believe he deleted me off his fbbb whyy

Why did he ask about me?

hmm well i think that like all people in the world, he likes to be liked! i mean it makes everyone feel good knowing that someone cares about you and talks about you with their friends, so i think he was trying to get your friend to tell him that you havent moved on, but he just didn't want to accept that you have! i think that it was kind of mean of him to say that he didnt want to be your friend though, thats taking it a little far :( so i would just back off for a little and he;ll eventually miss having you as a friend! good luck :)

Where can i find a bedroom door lock that has a lock? and what is the best kind of doorknob for a bedroom?

my sister keeps coming in my room when im not home so i want privacy so wheere can i find a doorknob that has a lock and key so i can lock it when im not home so she wont go through my stuff? and whats the best kind or brand? thanks!

Why did he say this hurtful thing to me?

Looks like Jake is a green-eyed monster. He's jealous. He probably likes you, but doesn't know how to act mature. Forget about him. he needs to do some more growing up...

Whats a good facebook status/ statuses?

my friends always have heaps good facebook statuses that get liike 30+ likes and they obviously didnt make them up e.g. i'm sorry honey, but unlike you, i'm not a doorknob where everyone gets a turn. I'm more of a casino, where only the lucky ones hit the jackpot! got 50 likes. where do they find these statuses? got any good ideas for ones that people can relate to? kaythanks.

Are hair straighteners harmful? Whats the difference between perm and creatine?

my hair is curly..the curls are really tight so its kinda short..and i want it longer so i decided to braid it ..i keep braiding it but its not efficient i want natural none harmful ways to make my hair weavy.. ive been told that hair straighteners cause fast hair loss and makes hair white sooner and ive also been told that perm hair is really dangerous since its chemical and same goes to creatine.. i would also like to know the difference between perm and creatine and how i could straighten my hair without it being harmed?

How do i deal with this 10 points best answer?

my gf wants to go swiming with her little sister tomarow but this guy who kissed her once when me and my gf were going through a rough patch is going as well i know he likes my gf and i also know he doesnt dare piss me off again. how should i react to it should i let her go because i want her to be happy but i dont want her to expose any part of her body (two peice bathing suit) around the ******* creep. when i think about it i get a roush of rage and i find miself gripping things to hard ive already cracked the screen on my phone broken my doorknob and broke an arm on one of my chairs. yes i know i have anger issues but i want her to be happy and im in a real pickle

I need help with my ex boyfriend ):?

ok im in 9th qrader , and i only got to see my boyfriend at skool whicch is monday-friday . and eveery weekennd he would fight withh me annd on his faceebook there would be stuuff about him and my bestfriend and i would get mad. he would find any excuse too dump me so every weekend he dumped me i would cry to him to get back with me. so he did. but at school he seemed likee he wuhss soo happy withh me . )): thenn this weekend camme and he text me sayinng im sorry but its oveer thinggs changed . and i said noo please no . annd he said sorry annd he never replyed backk to my text messages. soo thenn school camme and himm and my bestfriennd liked eachother and they would walk hugging each other . in front of me !

Should I cut my son's hair?

Hi, I have a 15 month old son who has super curly blonde hair! It's soo cute, but I'm afraid if I cut it it won't grow back curly, that's what happened when his dad was a baby. Should I cut it or let it grow a little longer. I don't want him to have long hair by any means, but his curls are too cute. Anybody been there??

How to make my hair grow faster?????!!!!!?

Ok so I have really curly frizzy hair and as it gets longer the curls look more like waves and it looks can I make my hair grow faster....I'm talking like 8-10 inches within the next 2-3 months!!! Kaayyyy thanxxxxxxx (oh and if u have tips on how to make my hair not puff up so I can wear it down while it short that would be helpful too :) I hair is shoulder length)

1999 Ford Taurus Lower Water Pump Hose?

Ok soo today i took my car out and the low coolant light comes on and i get out. COOLANT EVERYWHERE on the ground! The hose that connects from the lower part of the water pump is spraying out coolant from the metal part of it. The hose goes from rubber to metal then back to rubber to connect to the other part of the car. I am trying to figure out what the name of this hose is called because when I have called a few auto part stores I ask do you have the LOWER WATER PUMP HOSE? they have noo idea what im talking about. Maybe theres a mechanic out there that knows what im talking about, advice for me and how much it will cost to replace? PLEASE im stuck and i need to get back and fourth to work!

I'm looking for a song I saw on TV. I can't remeber the name.?

So I was watching Telehit and it was a remix by a DJ and one of the songs was in a diffrent language. I'm not sure if portugese or French. But in the video it was a dark skinned boy and he had sort of curly short hair and the video was cut in two. at one point of the video he gets home and there's a crowd of people in the house partying and it sort of sounds like he said "Allo un shot" I may be wrong but idk. He was wearing a brown suit with a white shirt in the video.

Im I lesbian? plz helpp I really need tew noo?

Ok Im 13 years young lol I think guysz are cute and all but I would NEVER go out with them only because I have very bad insercruity nd self hatred towards myself nd I think it would be sooo weird and akward going out with them like I feel like im not ready or somethin??? And I feel sooo bad for.myself because I dont know what wrng with mii like why cnt I just put myself out there and go out with them (guysz)bt I just cnt ? And girls well wen I first look at them im not sexualy attracted too themm I just think they are pretty.nd I wishhhh I cld look.lyk themm lol bt yes I hav exprienced wit ayy girl before lol bt I feel more comfy going out with ayy girl for some reasonn just not ayyy guyyy HELP ME PLZ I really need tew figure what tha hell iam?

Doo you Waatch Southpaark(:?

It sounds like the Korn episode. They dress up like scooby doo and solve a mystery. one is like velma and drops his glasses. i think it was called korns groovy ghost mystery or something. Otherwise it may have been the episode with kyle's cousin kyle. not sure.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

DREAMING of a baBY gIRL!!?

Sometimes your dreams can tell you things you didn't even know. I have been having dreams about me having a little girl for a few weeks now. Before I even found out I was pregnant. I had dreams about all 3 of my sisters pregnancies and was right every time. So I say believe your dreams when it comes to boy or girl. They could be trying to tell you something..

Wtf r happenz rightt noo?

now i ate a chairry thn it BOOM BOOOM BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… ZOG ZOG ZOG then i dko an looly pop, u tell m?

Good colors to paint...?

depends. Do you want your room to remind you of school? of work? of a football stadium? a brothel? take your pick and make it as light as possible cuz it affects your mood.

I have OCD please help?

ok, so i wash my hands like 50 times a day with different kinds of soap like bar soap and detergent and it's so a waste of time, i mean i cannot stop it even though i know my hands is like very very clean and i get very anxious a lot as in a lot. I check doorknobs like 2 times to be sure it''s locked and i don't like odd numbers. I'm quite depressed because it is like i'm the only one who have it in school. My elder sister calls me crazy too and one more thing the light switches i like to on and off it like 8 times i don't know what to do. My mother does not even know i have one. Is there like a medicine or anything that i can take to lessen the worries.

BC building codes and decks.?

The only way to know for sue is to call your local building department; there are territorial rules, but also some rules set by muncipalities within these. You also should research to make sure that what you are doing will actually be effective.

To all guys with a sister?

My sister is a feminist and a believer in favouritism for women, i don't have anything to do with her anymore and i don't like women who look a bit like her.

Really old point and click game for windows?

I remember this point and click game I played a long time ago for windows but can't think of the name. There was one part where you walk into a room and there is some kind of drink on a table. If you drink it, you shrink and can't reach the doorknob to get out of the room, so you get stuck in the room and "die". That's really the only part I remember lol Anybody know what game this is?

Is this a good story beginning? I think it's not attracting much interest.?

You're dumping too much dull information on the reader in a clunky way. No child describes a parent as 'my 35 year old mother, Arlana' for instance.

How can I make my not straight hair wavy?

Okay, I have hair issues. My hair is thick and long (but not ridiculously long) which I love but it isn't straight, curly, or wavy. It's basically just not straight with waves sometimes. I want it to be reliably slightly wavy but I don't want to use any heat (including blow drying, I let my hair air dry). Also my hair is REALLY oily. I would rather my hair not be crunchy but I don't really care. Do you have any suggestions?

How to say no to sex?

So this guy I like only wants me for sex, and like he said he'd go out with me only if I did 'it' with him, well I honestly don't want to. How do I say no without loosing him as a friend, because he asked if when were ooVooing he can show his p**** and I just don't know how to say noo, please help

Girls, I need Your help, shes giving me mixed signals?

well 2 days ago she texted me at 1:00am saying "Heey :]", soo i text "Heeyy, Wats up?", but she didnt answer, so i called her "and it sounded like she was with a group of people, but i didnt care. so i asked her what was she doing, she said she was watching funny videos on youtube. so i told her a video to search up, and she was laughing like crazy. but then she tells me she'll call me back, so i said ok. but i wait 45 mins, and i get no call back, so text her "heyy ima knockk tha **** out, I'll text you tommorow :]", so she reples "Kk G'Niight :], and i replied "G'night :)". that was the last time she replied to my text, I've tryed to text her like crazy but she doesn't respond. btw i know that she likes me back because we've broke the touch barrier, and we kissed before. I asked her out today, and she replied, "idk i'll see", but i replied okkayy so she doesnt think that im dissapointed. then today at 11pm she says "brbb", and i replied "okkayy :)". then right now i text her "You there?, she replies "Byeeee", and i replied "??? u going to sleep?", she replies "yes i am going to sleep for the rest of my life, dont ever txt me >:/". so i call her, her brother answers and i tell him, can i talk to her, so he puts her on, and i ask her, who was texting me, and she said her brother, and i asked her if she saw what he send me, and she said yeah, but she didnt say sorry or anything, right now she just told me that she'll call me back because her phone is dieing. she texted me "Lmfaoo My brother is like that", and i reply "Oh okkay. btw did you find out what you're gonna do on the weekend?", she replied "Noo not yet i think ime jus be w' my dad", and i text her "If you ain't doing anything, you wanna go out with me to see the hangover 2?", she replied, "Lmfaoo what a coincidence, im watching it right now", and r i reply "still, do you wanna go out with me? Idc what we do, i just wanna be with you :)", she replied "Uhm igh ima see wheb kan we chill"(she messed up alot on her text so i thought she was nervous), then i said," hey ima ktfo, I'll text you tommorow", she said, "Kk G'Night Two you too Peace. what do you think?

How can i convince my parents to let go swimming with my friends and wear a two piece?

my parents are over protective my friend wants me to go to the pool with her there are going to be life guards there and there saying that i cant go unless her parents are there my parents can be convince able sometimes but other times..noo

Hair/ shampoo question for curly/wavy hair?

I had that SAME exact problem. What you need to do is moisturize, even if it gets oily. I use pantene curly hair series shampoo curly to straight. it's really nice. And I use something called argan tree oil deep conditioning mask once a week, it is like an instense conditioner which makes my hair non frizzy with beautiful Taylor swift curls. I wash my hair at night, wrap it in a towel for like an hour, then I sleep on it. In the morning it's kinda weird. But then I spend a few hrs with it in a bun and let it out- awesome hair. don't wash your hair every day- that isn't hood for your hair type. Every other day or maybe even every 2 days is ok. Good luck:)

Have you ever had creepy people knock on your door in the middle of the evening/night?

Hey look I'm sorry about that. It was the wrong house, so sue me. It was dark out!! And I wasn't paying attention T.T

Does any one know where I can get a microphone?

Where can I get a jewled microphone with like mu name or something on it or I think it's glitter I went 2 a Noo Noo aka Lil Rich Girl concert where live and she had one and Selena Gomez had one too please help I want one really bad and my birthday's coming up who ever helped thx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????!?????????????…

Any tips or products please?

So im a african american and i have african american hair. I just got a perm one day last week. My hair is thin. Its also to the middle of my neck (my mom trimed it). I really want my hair to be like Adrienna Bailon's back in her Cheetah Girl days(: not exactly like her's but,the way it was always curly. Noing the fact that she's mixed is why her's was naturaly curly. But i was just wondering if there were any good tips or products you guys could suggest me to use. Please and thanks in advance(:

Hated chores survey: Is it ok to put individually wrapped candies in dog bombs to get kids to pick them up?

I have been informed by some neighbors that it is not but these are the same doorknobs who refuse to let their children eat anything with any sugar in it ever, even on Halloween and I just don't think I can trust the judgment of commie idiot mingedidddlers like that. They also dress funny and drive hybrids.

How do I wear my curly hair? Help with hair.?

I'd try using Sunsilk or Herbel Esseneces Shampoo & Conditioner then Got2B serum to tame the frizz. Curl the hair so it's all together it should look like this: a href=",r:7,s:0&biw=1152&bih=574" rel="nofollow"…/a

My crush acted rude to me yesterday from what he said...?

Though he's your crush, face it: you'll never be happy with him. Since you don't talk nasty like him and since he's the type to disrespect you (for you deserve to be treated infinitely better than how he treats you, whether he's kidding or not), may I suggest? Next time he talks or texts you, politely tell him "I'm sorry, but you're not my type. I have to go now.". Then walk away without turning around. He should feel embarrassed or humiliated and eventually apologize and will promise you never to be rude to you again

What does this dream mean?

there's something in your life that you're thinking of doing, but you've been unsure on whether or not to do it. this thing more than likely involves at least one of your friends. your aunt is warning you through this dream that you shouldn't go through with it

Why did he say "Oh God"?

Me and this guy were messaging on fb and he was like now imma smile on pics and I was like let me see and he was like noo u'll see when we take photos or when we are together cuz I know I'll be smiling :D <3 then he was like LMAO, Oh God.

I feel like I'm the Third Wheel?

Ok, so my two friends are known as A and B for now. Friend A has been friends with me since 2009, we met in school. Friend B has been friends with me since 2006 but we haven't really been in the same classes ever since.. So finally, both friends A and B are in the same teacher as me.. At the beginning of the year friends A and B didn't know each other.. And friend A and I are best friends until B started talking to her.. Ever since this happened they are starting to exclude me. Like when i'm talking to A, B always pushes me out of the way and starts talking to A. And now, whenever A wants something, she goes to B.. When that used to be me. It makes me sad that those were my only two friends that I could talk to during school.. I know it's the end of the year but is there anything I can do to make me not feel like this? Also, when I touch friend A lets say the arm for an example she'll say, "Don't touch me" but then I see friend B touch her whenever she wants. And today at school I had face-paint for the special event at school. Well, friend A wanted to use it to draw eyes on her eye lids. But I refused to let her because I wanted to save the paint for later use. I also told her that she could have it if I did it.. But noo she wanted friend B to do it. (Of course) So they were going to the bathroom together and I knew they were going to talk bad about me and try to have a plan to get the paint out of my desk. So I felt really sad so I said, "Fine." And they erased their passes. Also today friend A told friend B something and I wanted to know because they did it right in front of me so when I asked they simply said, "Nothing."

Does it sound like I could have OCD?

Whenever I read something and someone mentions that they have OCD and describe some of the things they do I start to wonder if I have it. Some of the things I do include checking outlets over and over before I leave my room, checking my fish before I leave a room, having to think some words over a certain time after I hear/read/think them, avoiding touching doorknobs, I used to excessively wash my hands, having to touch things a certain amount of times, having to press the next button on my ipod a multiple about of times, having to say certainthings a certain amount of times, having to breath in certain directions, etc. I also have disturbing thoughts, like I can't think of certain things without thinking of hurting them, like my dog who I love very much. I'm always afraid I'm going to hurt my (future) children and whener I see knives/scissors all I can think about is hurting someone with them. I'm always afraid that I'm going to turn into like a molester or a murderer or something. I just really would like to know.

Two words...L A D Y G A G A.?

Is it just me or does she reinvent herself for every album she does. Like "The Fame" Lady Gaga would wear the blonde long hair with the straight bangs and have dance songs. Then came "The Fame Monster" Gaga with the blonde/yellow curly hair and the death obsession. Now shes the "Born This Way" Gaga with the black/blonde bob, dramatic eye make-up, and the mission for hope. Is it me or will she constantly be changing!??

How to straighten just the roots of my hair?

Excuss spelling please but like my hair has nice waves and curls :D i like them just not the roots the roots are afro curly and make my hair poofy so is there any way i could just straighten them or what would happen if i relaxed just the roots

What to do with my Girlfriend? Who is wrong?

Yal need trust lol..I mean u are naturally jealous b/c of your position in this situation, anyone would be. The fact that she always goes to him before u is a problem..I know they're best friends but he still has strong feelings for her n I bet she has a little something for him too..Idk usually with relationship problem like this the girl/guy in the middle always end up with the guy/girl they left for another person :/ so hence she'd leave u to go back with him is what usually happens. But I say talk to her and tell her what your telling us. If u still feel uncomfortable with it then i'd say break up with her.and don't let it be a surprise if she goes back to him. But good luck and stay strong xx (:

HELP! To relax or not to relax? what should I do?

Honestly go to a salon explain your problem and they will help you pick out the right relaxer, for on the market there are relaxers that say no-lye, which means no sodium hydroxide yet they have different kinds of hydroxide. The salon owners can help you pick a strong but not to strong relaxer to give you your nice curls back.

I hit my head please help me!?!?!?

Yesterday I was leaning on my door and hit the back of my head on the doorknob. It hurt right after and then turned into a headache. I've never really had a head ache like this before. My head feels like it's ringing and it aches badly. I went to sleep and when I woke up this morning it kinda felt better, but know it's really bothering me! What do you think is wrong? Is this normal? I'm scared

Quotes. quotes. quotes.(:?

I am happy to tell you that I don't know any quotes as nasty as these. I would never slander a person in such a way unless I knew I was perfect!!

I want to change my style?

Im going in to high school next year and i want to change my style. I mostly wear band tee-shirts and jeans. Sometimes i wear nice shirts. I usually wear my hair curly sometimes wear it straight but i have trouble blowing it out. What should i change my style to and what should i do to my hair. Please give me examples and stores to go to. Thx

Will a relaxer damage my hair type?

I have very kinky (mostly nappy), curly hair and I am african american, so most of you know what I'm talking about. Will a relaxer ruin my hair? I have very nice natural hair and it looks really good when it's done professionally. My mom told me not to get one because of what happened with my sisters hair (it broke off and got very thin and short), but my older cousin has hair very much like mine and she has a perm which looks very nice (it's still thick and pretty). Everyone always tells me to not get a relaxer, but I'm very tempted to get one. Do you think that nappy kinky hair will turn out bad with a perm? And my mom would be applying it, not by a professional.

Cute boy but no personality..?

were both 16. Me and this guy have a thing and he's definetly attracted to me and he's verrryyy good looking... but he has noo personlality, too quite, too mellow... cant hold an interesting conversation... hes naturally a quite mellow guy but still :p.... should i push for a relationship or just ignore it? and how would i without hurting him

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to straighten curly hair(Guy)?

I think you should go to the salon for that. They can give you tips and can teach you how to do it. (:

If Jews originated in the middle east why don't they look like everyone else in the middle east?

Why do they have curly red hair and blue eyes when everyone else has straight brown hair and brown eyes.

Whens a good time to hang out with my girlfriend at school?

so currently im in grade 8 and usally im shy expect to my friends and best friends and my new girlfriend! but shes in grade 6 and usally shes hanging out with her bestfriends. -- whens the best time to hang out with her out school and any idea where.. ? most of the other grade 6's just see me as a doorknob :P (I think) lol) HELP PLEASE ?? .. BEST ANSWER GETS AS MANY POINTS AS I CAN GIVE :)

Was it rape or normal?

Well my bf and I were studying last night and then he started kissing me and it turned in to a makeout session then he started unzipping his pants and he unzipped my shorts but I was like "Nooo :O" and then he was like "Its okay you'll be fine :)" and he ended up turning me on so we did it but I liked it. So is it rape since I said noo? I am 17 btw.

My cousin came to my house drunk and she admitted so much stuff and did so much stuff?

okay. well. you should either stay out of the whole thang, or disown your family. gurl, you are SIXTEEN. having sex will KILL YOU. in shorter words... sex=death! this chick was probably just makin' up stuff because she was so hammered. you would probably know, seeing as you are also a bad seed.

Is this a good plot for a novel/book?

I would like the chapters to be a little longer. but if this book was out on the shelf id totally buy it!:D its really good.

I bleached my hair and threw away the bottle that had the bleach in it. I had the garbage bag hanging?

on the doorknob and when I woke up the next morning some of the bleach that was left in the bottle leaked through the bag and onto the hardwood floor. I wiped it up (it's a good thing my maltese didn't lick it up while I was sleeping) but it left a permanent dark mark on the hardwood. Is there any way that I could make this mark look like part of the wood floor so that it wouldn't show as much if my landlord ever had to come into my apartment?

What should i do? About hanging out ?

I went to the store w/ my grandma and mom today and just got back like 20 minutes ago. And on the phone my bf called on a pay phone like 5 times. Me and him were going to the mall today but i told him to call me b4 he left . Hes been waitin for me since like 10 hes leaving at 5. Hes all alone at the mall waiting. My mom said shed let me hang out with my friends today if i went to the store with her and i did and wen we got home i told her if i can hang out at the mall and she said noo why the **** are you so worried about ur friends and not anyhing else. Then she went back to thr store w/ my grandma. And i really wanna hang out with my bf so he doesnt get madd.

Do you think I'm ugly?

I'm about 5ft6 and I weight 215 pounds yeah i know I'm not light but anyway I have super curly dark brown hair that is at my shoulders I have brown eyes and a decent sized chest am I ugly my friends tell me I'm not but that is what friends are for to keep you happy and to make u feel good about itself I just need some honest answers I promise I won't get mad

What do white guys like about black women?

cause i just want to know with me being black myself and would they date them with there natural black hair which me no chemical has never touch or in other 'nappy' which mean densly coiled/kinky or very very curly

I'm locked out of my room! the doorknob is broken?

I've been trying to get in for a few hours now, I have completely torn the outer metal off, and i have found holes that look like theyre for screws but i still cant get it off, i dont know the problem so at this point i just want to remove it, how do i do this?

Help! I'm locked in my room!?

Try pushing against the door or lifting while you try to turn the knob. If the latch is binding, that may relieve the pressure and allow you to open the door. Call a locksmith.

Please help with my decision on hair color!?

I can't decide to go lighter or darker. Right now, it's medium brown. Well, I have light skin, not pale or quite olive. More toward olive. & I have blue eyes. My hair is curly, but I straighten it.

Why is she acting this way?

well 2 days ago she texted me at 1:00am saying "Heey :]", soo i text "Heeyy, Wats up?", but she didnt answer, so i called her "and it sounded like she was with a group of people, but i didnt care. so i asked her what was she doing, she said she was watching funny videos on youtube. so i told her a video to search up, and she was laughing like crazy. but then she tells me she'll call me back, so i said ok. but i wait 45 mins, and i get no call back, so text her "heyy ima knockk tha **** out, I'll text you tommorow :]", so she reples "Kk G'Niight :], and i replied "G'night :)". that was the last time she replied to my text, I've tryed to text her like crazy but she doesn't respond. btw i know that she likes me back because we've broke the touch barrier, and we kissed before. I asked her out today, and she replied, "idk i'll see", but i replied okkayy so she doesnt think that im dissapointed. then today at 11pm she says "brbb", and i replied "okkayy :)". then right now i text her "You there?, she replies "Byeeee", and i replied "??? u going to sleep?", she replies "yes i am going to sleep for the rest of my life, dont ever txt me >:/". so i call her, her brother answers and i tell him, can i talk to her, so he puts her on, and i ask her, who was texting me, and she said her brother, and i asked her if she saw what he send me, and she said yeah, but she didnt say sorry or anything, right now she just told me that she'll call me back because her phone is dieing. she texted me "Lmfaoo My brother is like that", and i reply "Oh okkay. btw did you find out what you're gonna do on the weekend?", she replied "Noo not yet i think ime jus be w' my dad", and i text her "If you ain't doing anything, you wanna go out with me to see the hangover 2?", she replied, "Lmfaoo what a coincidence, im watching it right now", and r i reply "still, do you wanna go out with me? Idc what we do, i just wanna be with you :)", she replied "Uhm igh ima see wheb kan we chill"(she messed up alot on her text so i thought she was nervous), then i said," hey ima ktfo, I'll text you tommorow", she said, "Kk G'Night Two you too Peace. right now i texted her twice, no response, and i called fer 4 times, she ignored all 4!. i'm in the merge of crying, what can i do!?

How do I deal with this?

My lower canine tooth is EXTREMELY LOOSE. It turns 360s without me moving it. I want to pull it out because it bothers me when eating, but there is a strip of gum stuck INSIDE the tooth. I cannot pull the tooth upwards without the gum hurting. How do I take the tooth out without the doorknob/dentist? I have Orajel to use as well! Minimal pain solution, please?

AHHH taurus 21 yo 27th aprial 1990 1st decon y y y?

ok theres a couple of thing such as im a home body taurus love home AHH noo i love to be out 90 percent of my time is out and about i dislike being bored i hate it ?? stubborn not so much im waay to open to be stubborn and can change my mind very quickly sometimes that is. emotion using sex as an emotion builder sometimes i feel communication is better and builds me more emotion ?? so questions is being a bit different from your sign like this would this potential increase your compatibility with say example Gemini or anther sign not so compatible sometimes i think of my self as more of a aries or Gemini or a more so airy sign rather then a grounded sign y is this.. cheers hope someone can help me out cheers

What to do with my Girlfriend? Who is wrong?

Sorry to say that but some people take the piss and ur girl is .. is she really urs or his ??? ur so right about ur feelings i would feel the same . Dont let her confuse u , u r 100% right . Its u or him . the end . good luck

My "best friend"is trying to steal my boyfriend and stabbing me in the back.idk what to do?

So I was friends with this girl since 6th grade and im in 9th gr and shes in the begining of this year she introduced me to this guy (which is now my boyfriend now) now its the end of the school year and she likes him!!and I had noo fcking idea.she is harrasing him,through txt.asking him out,and CONSTANTLY asking him for pics of his d!ck, and her and her retarted friends went knocking on his door! But he didnt answer. And ik she will walk to his house again..and also she is talking sh!t about me to her other friends! I feel like I was basicilly boyfriend DOES not like her at all!!he ignore all her txts I see it on his phone he shows me it.and shes rlly ugly and fat!!!my boyfriend is disgusted with her.and I dont get why is she doing this to me???i was sooo nice to her and such a good friend.I dont understand???and I dont know what to do if I see her in person. I havnt confronted her im just not saying anything.and now,i think I just met her just to meet my boyfriend,cuz i think everything happens for a just in shock from all of this