Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'm Going into Middle school ... I want to be prepared for every good thing and bad thing about it ... Tell me?

i just finished my first year of middle school and i am so happy you asked! i am going to start with how to be attractive to guys. be yourself and be confident! guys love confidence in a girl:) and i know its cheesy, but u really shud be proud of who are and be yourself! if you change yourself to get in a relationship, you have to keep up this alternate personality and its hard! (not to mention that means he doesnt really like YOU, he likes who you are pretending to be.) as for makeup, i realize now that i got to caught up with finally beeing allowed to wear makeup, and even tho i didnt wear that much, i overdid it for a 11/12 yr old. i would stick with just mascara, maybe a just a touch of blush, and then soft pink lips. i reccomend soft lips in that metalic pink. it looks soo pretty and sweet, especially with brown waves:) friendship: alot is happeneing as you transition, and your friends are going thru all the same things. just be there for them and listen. i found the best way to be a good friend is to always be able to just listen to your friendds problems, as well as lighten the mood and joke around. just dont cross any lines with the joking. try to be optimistic and see the bright side of evrything, and tell your friends the bright sides. i found that smiling, even when you dont feel like it, is guaranteed to make you feel better :) the main things to remember in middle school are be confident(dont doubt yourself!), stay focused on classes!!!! never forget your homework!!! dont get too distracted by all these other aspects of life. even tho they seem like a big deal, they really dont affect your future, where as if you flunk out of a class, that can affect you through your whole life. good job on being in the advanced classes! dont rely on your brilliance though, make sure to apply your knowledge and work hard. you will be soooooooo glad u did. dont get stressed! i hope this helps!!!! good luck:)

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