Monday, July 18, 2011

How To Keep Curls In Tact Question?

In a few weeks I'm going to be in the musical "Beauty and the Beast" and be playing Belle. For the opening scene (and for most there after) I have my hair in a curly ponytail. But for the ballroom scene, (the one where they dance and the song "Beauty and the Beast" is sung), my hair is going to be most likely down. I was wondering if there was any possible way I could curl my hair so that the curls stay in tact for the scene or if there's anything I could put in my hair to make the curls stay. I only have a few minutes to change and get my hair out of a tight ponytail into having it down, so re-curling would probably not work, considering the quick change and the thickness of my hair. Does anyone have any idea(s) so I can solve this problem? Thanks in advance.

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