Sunday, July 17, 2011

I was super annoying.. now he won't talk to me.?

So this guy I've been talking to for the past couple weeks is really different than the rest of the guys I've ever known. I'm kind of "defensive" you can say when it comes to guys because I've had some bad experiences but he says he understands and isn't a douche and that I can trust him and he wasn't going to ditch me. He reminds me a lot of myself. And he had hinted at us being a "thing" quite a bit. I told him some of my darkest secrets and he could relate to them and was understanding. I feel like the last couple days I was being really, really clingy because I always ask like when we are going to hang out again. He's been sick and I was aware I asked it a lot and it sounded clingy but I just thought eff it. It really isn't something I do and not like myself.. I know it was really stupid. But after I asked yet again he started using like one word responses like "naaah" and "noo" and I asked what was the matter? And he said "nothinnnn." So you know he was annoyed. So I stopped texting him. Now he hasn't texted me at all today. And I don't want to text him because I don't want to be annoying.. SO what can I do to fix this? I really don't want to just stop talking to him now.. but what can I do?

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