Thursday, July 14, 2011


so me and this guy dated for almost 2 months.. but problems came in between, i asked him to meet my bro .. he said "okie" after a while he changed and he was backing off not calling me that much , he wont care as before, he wont text that much, like he changed , he always tells me hes busy with his friend opened a shop so i understand hes busy, but he wont call me if i dont , i didnt call him for two day and he didnt even call.. like really i was stress and crying and thinking if he sill wnats me or not.. so after a while i called him and asking to see him he didnt respond, and i called , he mesgd back saying to stop bothering him and hes with a girl, i said ur jk hes like stop im witha girl and i deleted him off of from my messnger list at bbm bc i got mad and tha was my reaction, he called me saying he was at his sis graduation and he was trying making me jealous or mad and he said for real i cant handle u , so its done and over.. LIKE REALLy i was like i didnt know u were jk i thought ur serious, thats why.. hes like noo its done , i kept sending mesgs and saying sorry , but still he didnt listen and 2nd day he deleted me off of his fb, and im still shock and crying like i know i rushed about" if my brother wants to meet him' in the beginning but still he ignored me and he wont call that much like he used too, something chanaged him , idk if i rushed when i deleted him from my list???? pls ppl help im hurt and stressed i cant believe he deleted me off his fbbb whyy

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