Thursday, July 14, 2011

This guy reallyy led me on and i don't know what to do now?

Maybe his Friends said something about you that got him embarrassed like "oh you like her ew" or w/e and he he probably thought oh well my friends don't like her why should I. Like guys to me seem to compete with their friends with who they date they don't want to be dating a girl that their friends don't like. If you really really like him and see that you guys could have something together than I would make him chase you. If he talks to you just tell himthat you are goof out with a bunch of friends and can't talk right now. This might sound immature but I would post on Facebook "agh (.guy name) is so funny he always makes me laugh!" or "having a greattime with so and so" let him know that you arent gonna take his bullshit games because I have been in your situation several times and making them chase you always works if not just tell him out on it and give him a reality check cause he needs it!

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