Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I feel like I'm the Third Wheel?

Ok, so my two friends are known as A and B for now. Friend A has been friends with me since 2009, we met in school. Friend B has been friends with me since 2006 but we haven't really been in the same classes ever since.. So finally, both friends A and B are in the same teacher as me.. At the beginning of the year friends A and B didn't know each other.. And friend A and I are best friends until B started talking to her.. Ever since this happened they are starting to exclude me. Like when i'm talking to A, B always pushes me out of the way and starts talking to A. And now, whenever A wants something, she goes to B.. When that used to be me. It makes me sad that those were my only two friends that I could talk to during school.. I know it's the end of the year but is there anything I can do to make me not feel like this? Also, when I touch friend A lets say the arm for an example she'll say, "Don't touch me" but then I see friend B touch her whenever she wants. And today at school I had face-paint for the special event at school. Well, friend A wanted to use it to draw eyes on her eye lids. But I refused to let her because I wanted to save the paint for later use. I also told her that she could have it if I did it.. But noo she wanted friend B to do it. (Of course) So they were going to the bathroom together and I knew they were going to talk bad about me and try to have a plan to get the paint out of my desk. So I felt really sad so I said, "Fine." And they erased their passes. Also today friend A told friend B something and I wanted to know because they did it right in front of me so when I asked they simply said, "Nothing."

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